What a sweet thing to find in my comments today! CMash @ CMash Loves to Read gave me the following two awards:
The Honest Scrap award is given to bloggers who share honest bits of information about yourself. And the Versatile Blogger award is given to a new blog that you think is fantastic. So first, I want to thank CMash for these two awards. It is always nice to know that someone out there is reading what you write and thinks of you. I love reading CMash's posts so I feel very special to receive these awards.
And now for the criteria:
To accept these awards it is required that I share ten things about myself.
1. I have four chihuahuas that I treat like my children ~ I have four of those as well, but they are all grown.
2. My husband is fifteen years younger than I am, we both work for the same library!
3. I have two grandsons and wish that my other three children would get busy and provide me with some granddaughters!
4. I wake up two or three times each night and go outside and read ~ probably not good for my health, but I get some reading done!
5. I have so many books that I have read and not reviewed that I could just cry ~ all of the Outlander series, about four review books from publishers, two from LibraryThing ~ oh, goodness the list just goes on and on! I'm working on it.
6. I love playing all of the Lego games on the Wii ~ sometimes I have to get one of my children to beat a level so I can more forward.
7. I work with young people all day long, and I think it keeps me young as well. Now if some how they could just help me lose weight??!!
8. I traveled to Eastern Europe and absolutely fell in love! I hope that I get the opportunity to return.
9. I have another blog that focuses on Holocaust resources for children. I am really drawn to these books and feel it is important to provide this information to our children.
10. I have really enjoyed getting to know all of the book bloggers out in the blogosphere! What a great bunch of people. Thanks again to CMash!
I would like to pass the award on to the following bloggers, in no particular order:
If you don't already follow these blogs, you should definitely check them out ~ they are fantastic!
Don't forget LunaNina and the Word Association Game:
1.Mustache :: Pete
2.Person :: of interest
3.Restore :: my health
4.Discretion :: is the better part of valor
5.Lamp :: Lava
6.Pillow cover :: so soft
7.Arousal :: sexual
8.Seattle :: needle
9.ATM :: card
10.Custard :: vanilla
Wishing everyone a Happy Sunday and a wonderful week!
Congratulations on your awards. Thanks for sharing a little of yourself. Eastern Europe was unforgettable for me too!!
Thank you so much! I've always wanted to travel to Eastern Europe-I have family there.
Congratulations on your awards!!!!
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