He lives with his MA in ROOM.
Everything outside the ROOM is pretend.
ROOM is all Jack has ever known.
But one day MA tells Jack that
There is another life outside of ROOM.
MA has lied to him.
But can they leave ROOM?
If they do leave ROOM
How will they live?
Will Old Nick find them,
And take them back to ROOM?
Will MA's family care
Care that they have been in ROOM
Such a long time
Only to finally reappear?
Can Jack and MA escape from Old Nick?
Will the love between MA and Jack sustain them
Outside the ROOM?
Thanks to Little Brown and Company, I had the privilege to read this fascinating book. Five year old Jack is the narrator and author Emma Donoghue has done a magnificent job in giving Jack just the right voice for his age and experiences. One would think this book, limited in range to one small room and two people, would be flat and boring. Instead Ma and Jack's story is a testament to love and ingenuity. With very little to assist her in her efforts, Ma provides Jack with as many "normal" childhood experiences as she can, using what she has, and providing loving care for her son. Still she knows things have to change. And they do! Ma thinks of a way that she and Jack can fool Old Nick and escape Room. Will they succeed and will they find greater happiness? You will have to read the book to find out!
TITLE: Room: A Novel
AUTHOR: Emma Donoghue
COPYRIGHT: September 2010
PAGES: 321
TYPE: fiction
RECOMMEND: I loved this book, as a reader, as a mother and as a child. Fantastic novel!
If my recommendation is not enough, Room is on the Man Booker Prize short list! If you have read this one, let me know how you felt about it!
Yet another positive review for this book. A must read so far.
This is on my TBR list! I saw a blurb about it a couple weeks ago and it sounds fascinating!
Please stop by my blog, I have an award for you.
I agree with you...this book was fascinating and so good.
Excellent review.
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