03 January 2008

1. Tuesdays with Morrie

I could not have read this book at a better time. A few things struck me as vitally important concepts from this easily read outline of the "last class" the author, Mitch Albom, had with his beloved professor Morrie Schwartz. Morrie described the emptiness of our cultural demands - more money, more possessions, more prestige. He said that we should reject that culture and create a culture of our own that gives our life true meaning. Love and forgiveness are at the heart of the culture he describes and it brought me to tears. He provided numerous examples of the power of love - love without conditions, love without demands - pure and simple love for self and others. Something we can all aspire to in these hectic times.

TITLE: Tuesdays with Morrie: An old man, a young man and life's greatest lesson
AUTHOR: Mitch Albom
PAGES: 192
TYPE: Non-fiction
RECOMMEND: Yes, something everyone should read to learn how to live and die

Flusi the LibrarysCat

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