The Natural Laws of Good Luck: A Memoir of an Unlikely Marriage written by Ellen Graf was a delightful read and I am grateful to the LibraryThing Early Reviewer program and Random House for providing me with the opportunity to read and review it. At its core, the book is the melding of two cultures.
When Ellen found herself 46 years old with only one child at home, she discovered she was lonely. Her Chinese friend offered for Ellen to marry her brother in China. Ellen took a huge leap of faith and went to China to meet her potential husband. Without speaking the same language, the two get married and muddle through Chinese legalities to return to Ellen's New York mountain home in wedded bliss. The most interesting passages in the book deal with how this marriage progresses with the blending of a free spirit and a traditional Chinese man! As I read the book, I wondered if some of the Chinese tactics might minimize silly spats in my own marriage. Great book!
TITLE: The Natural Laws of Good Luck: A Memoir of an Unlikely Marriage
AUTHOR: Ellen Graf
COPYRIGHT: 2009, August
PAGES: 256
TYPE: non-fiction, memoir
RECOMMEND: I really enjoyed this book. If you like information about different cultures, you will likely really like this book.